Sunday, October 21, 2007

The biggest Bircat Cohanim Evah!!

So, during Sukkot, there are many, many fun things to do in the Holy Land. We wanted to be a part of all of it. If everyone else is going to the Kotel for the world’s biggest Birkat Cohanim, then that’s a bracha for us too!!!
Thousands and thousands of people joined us for our first time there this year (it'ns not like we invited them all...they just showed up!!). We were packed in like little Jewish sardines of every flavor. Fortunately, it was really sunny and hot, so we all sweated our Jewish selves silly! Nothing like bodily secretions to bring Jews together!
We couldn’t get close enough to see very well, but we still felt blessed to be in a place where so many people are happy to be Jewish! And then, we wanted to be happy to be Jewish in some shade. Which led to our next adventure. The longest, nicest, shadiest line we’ve ever waited in.
Hint: Madonna did it too, even though I'm sure her line was shorter.